Monday, October 13, 2008

Chapter 3: My Elementary Days

I attended my entire grade schooling at Balara Elementary School. I entered Elementary by six years old. Well, I am not like other kids that time who used to cry when their mothers have to go home and leave them at school. I don't remember much of my experiences when I was in grade school but what I remember is I am active in dancing, in contests... I was that 'Bibbo' kid-nye nye nye... I am not intelligent, yes of course, but what makes me smart is my activeness. Hmm, what else could I share to you?.. Ahhh, my parents were proud of me when I became 2nd honor from the pilot section when I was in Grade 2. Top 10 when I was in Grade 4, Top 9 on Grade5 and that's it. I was consistent section 1 on my Grade school years and for me it's a thing to be brag haha.

I had have lot of friends on my 6 years staying in Balara Elementary. There were also Teachers and Student teachers who became part and contributed spice to my life. Others became lovers, even at young age but there were no bf-gf relationship coz I was a self-proclaimed lesbian that time.. haha(konti lang).

I graduated on March 25, 2002 at the Sta. Maria Della Strada Church. I could still see Some of my elementary friends, I don't know and I don't have the idea where there are the others.



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